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Redemption of trading stamps for cash.

3.(1) If the holder of any number of redeemable trading stamps which have an
aggregate cash value of not less than [25p] so requests, the promoter of the
trading stamp scheme shall redeem them by paying over their aggregate
cash value.

(2) The holder may exercise his right under the foregoing subsection

(a)by presenting the stamps at any reasonable time at the promoter's
registered office, or, if the promoter has no registered office in Northern
Ireland, at any office of the promoter in Northern Ireland;

(b)by sending the stamps by post to the office mentioned in paragraph (a) with
sufficient instructions as to the manner in which the cash value is to be paid

(3) The obligation under this section in the case of an aggregate cash value
which includes a fraction of a [new penny] shall be arrived at by taking the
sum to the nearest [new penny] below the aggregate cash value.

[(4) In this section "redeemable trading stamps" means trading stamps
delivered after the coming into force of this section in accordance with a
trading stamp scheme on or in connection with either

(a)the purchase of any goods,

(b)the bailment or (in Scotland) the hiring of any goods under a
hire-purchase agreement, or

(c)the obtaining of any services for money,

(5) Subject to subsection (6) this section shall also apply to trading stamps
so delivered before the date of the coming into force of this section if a
cash value is stated on their face.

(6) This section shall not apply

(a)to trading stamps which have been so delivered before the date of the
coming into force of this section and which show on their face that they were
so delivered before that date, or

(b)to trading stamps which have been so delivered not later than six months
after the passing of this Act and which show on their face, instead of any
reference to any kind of value to the holder, a value indicating the sum paid
on the purchase or other transaction in connection with which they were
delivered or some other value which, having regard to the terms of the
trading stamp scheme, it would be unreasonable to take as their value for the
purposes of redemption under this section.

(7) Any agreement under which the rights conferred by this section on holders
of redeemable trading stamps are surrendered or modified shall be void.[

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