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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TITHE RENTCHARGE (IRELAND) ACT 1900

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1.(1) Where by virtue of an order under section thirty-two of the
Irish Church Act, 1869, or section seven of the Irish Church Act, 1869,
Amendment Act, 1872, any land is charged for fifty-two years with an annual
sum calculated at the rate of four pounds nine shillings per cent. on the
purchase money of any tithe rentcharge, such annual sum shall continue to be
paid until forty-five payments thereof from the date at which it commenced
have been made and no longer.

(2) Where by virtue of any like order any land is charged for a less number of
years, at an equivalent annual sum so as to discharge the principal and
interest of any such purchase money in a less number of years, such annual sum
shall continue to be paid until such less number of payments thereof from the
date at which it commenced, as will pay off the purchase money on the
assumption that the annual sum so charged included interest at the rate of
three pounds ten shillings per cent. per annum, have been made and no longer.

Ss.2, 3 rep. by SLR (NI) 1954. S.4 rep. by 1930 c.22 (20 & 21 Geo.5) (NI)
s.2(1). Ss.5, 6 rep. by SLR (NI) 1954

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