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Interpretation of words used in this Act.

54. The words and expressions herein-after mentioned, which in their ordinary
signification have a more confined or a different meaning, shall in this Act,
except where the nature of the provision or context of the Act shall exclude
such construction, be interpreted as follows; (that is to say,) the word
"land" shall estend to manors, messuages, and other hereditaments, whether
corporeal or incorporeal, and whether freehold ... or of any other tenure; and
the words "persons entitled to compositions for tithes," or to any
"composition," shall be construed to extend to and include all ecclesiastical
persons, and bodies corporate, sole or aggregate, lay or ecclesiastical, or
collegiate, and all incumbents of parishes, whether rectors, vicars, or
curates, and all impropriators and appropriators, and all persons whomsoever
being the owners of or entitled in any manner whatsoever, at law or in equity,
whether in their own right or by virtue of any order or process of any court,
as trustees, devisees, personal representatives, lessees, sequestrators,
receivers, or otherwise, to any tithes or portion or portions of tithes, or
composition established in lieu of tithes, or portion or portions of such
composition, or who would have been so entitled to any such composition if the
same had not been suspended by virtue of any lease or agreement; and the word
"person" shall extend to and comprise all and every bodies politic and
corporate, sole and aggregate, lay and ecclesiastical, and collegiate; and the
words "compositions for tithes" shall extend and be applied to any portion or
portions of a composition, and to any tithes or portion of tithes, and to any
part of a yearly payment thereof, as well as to a composition; and the word
"county" shall extend and be applied to any riding, county of a city or county
of a town, or city and county, as well as a county at large; and the word
"parish" shall extend and be applied to any part of a parish forming a
distinct benefice, and to extra-parochial place or places separately
chargeable with any composition for tithes, as well as to a parish; and every
word importing the singular number only shall extend and be applied to several
persons or things as well as one person or thing; and every word importing the
masculine gender only shall extend and be applied to a female as well as a

S.55 rep. by SLR 1874 (No. 2)

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