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Northern Irish Legislation

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Notices how to be served.

52. Whenever any notice required to be given by this Act cannot be delivered
to the person to whom such notice is directed, it shall be sufficient to leave
the same at the last or most usual place of abode of such persons, if such
persons shall be in Ireland, or if such person or persons shall be in any
other part of the United Kingdom, or beyond the seas, then to publish the same
in the [Belfast Gazette], and in all cases in which any notice shall be
required to be given to or delivered by or on behalf of Her Majesty, under any
of the provisions of this Act, it shall be sufficient if such notice shall be
given to or delivered by the commissioners for the time being of Her Majesty's
woods, forests, land revenues, works, and buildings, or any person authorized
by them to receive or give such notice on Her Majesty's behalf.

S.53 rep. by SLR (NI) 1954

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