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1833 c.100

51. And whereas by the said Act of the third and fourth years of the reign of
his late Majesty King William the Fourth it is enacted that a certified copy
of or extract from the memorial and schedule or return attached thereto, a
duplicate of which is by that Act required to be lodged with the [chief clerk]
shall be sufficient evidence to all intents and purposes of the several
matters and things therein set forth: Every [chief clerk] with whom any such
duplicate memorial, and schedule or return attached thereto is lodged, shall
and he is herebyn required to furnish a certified copy of or etract from the
same respectively to any person requiring the same, on payment of a sum not
exceeding threepence for every ninety words contained ins uch copy or extract;
and every sum of money set forth in such copy or extract shall be reckoned
only as a single word.

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