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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TITHE RENTCHARGE (IRELAND) ACT 1838

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The provisions of this Act shall extend to compositions for tithes belonging to Her Majesty.

50. All and every the provisions of this Act shall apply and extend to the
said compositions for tithes belonging to the Queen's Majesty; and
rent-charges shal become payable in lieu thereof; and such rent-charges shall
be collected and recovered and in all other respects managed and dealt with
according to the provisions of the Acts in force relative to the hereditary
possessions and land revenues of the Crown in Ireland; and nothing herein
contained shall extend in any respect to alter or repeal the provisions of any
Act or Acts now in force with respect to the application of the annual income
arising from such tithes or compositions, or the sale thereof, or the
application of the monies arising from any such sales; but such last-mentioned
provisions shall extend ans apply to the annual income arising from the
rent-charges which will become payable in lieu of such tithes or compositions
under the provisions of this Act, and to authorize sales threof, and to direct
the application of the monies arising from the sale of such rent-charges
according to the nature thereof respectively, in like manner as to the annual
income arising from such tithes and the monies arising from sales thereof:
Provided always, that nothing in this Act contained shall in any manner
prejudice or affect the right of her said Majesty in or to any quit rent or
other rent or payment reserved upon or arising out of any grant, or payable on
account of any advowsons, rectories, vicarages, or other benefice or
preferment, or office spiritual or tithes.

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