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Northern Irish Legislation

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Interpretation of certain words in this Act, and in 1838 c.109.

5. The provision made by the said Act of the last session of Parliament for
the interpretation of certain words and expressions therein shall apply and
extend to the like words and expressions in this Act; and by the expression
"owners and occupiers at the same time of the lands charged with compositions"
(wherever such expression may occur in the said Act or in this Act) shall be
understood persons occupying the lands charged with such compositions, and
having in the said lands such like estates or interests as would under the
provisions of the said Act have made the owners thereof liable to the payment
of the rent-charges mentioned therein, if such Act had been in force and such
rent-charges payable at the time when such composition accrued due.

S.6 rep. by SLR 1874 (No. 2)

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