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Northern Irish Legislation

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Composition of tithes to be made and rent-charges substituted.

3. ... Provided always that when and so soon as the periods limited for such
appeals respectively shall have expired or the same shall have been decided,
and such composition and the assessment or applotment thereof shall have been
finally established and settled, all and every the provisions of the said Act
passed in the last session of Parliament shall thereupon be deemed and taken
to apply to every such composition so established by virtue of this Act; and
that an annual sum or rent-charge equal to three fourths of such compositions
shall become payable in like manner to all intents and purposes as in the case
of compositions established previous to the passing of the said Act of the
last session of Parliament; and every provision in such Act contained with
respect to the rent-charges established thereby shall apply to the
rent-charges to be established by virtue hereof; ....

S.4. rep. by SLR 1874 (No. 2)

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