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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TITHE RENTCHARGE (IRELAND) ACT 1838

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When tithe-free lands have been subjected to composition the rent-charge shall be reduced.

17. Where any lands made subject to the payment of any part of a composition
(the amount of such composition not having been fixed by agreement) shall, by
virtue of any decision in law or equity, have been or at any time shall be
declared to be exempt from the payment of tithes, it shall be lawful for the
Court of Chancery ... upon the petition of any person liable to the payment of
rent-charge in the parish in which such lands may be situate, to direct any
master of such court, ... to inquire into and ascertain, by examination of the
commissioner or commissioners, or umpire, as the case may be, by whom such
composition may have been established, or otherwise upon the best evidence
which can be procured, the sum included in the amount of such composition on
account of the tithes of such land, and the certificate and applotment of such
composition; and the entry of such certificate in the registry of the diocese
shall be amended accoudingly under the direction of such court, and the
rent-charges payable instead of such composition for tithes shall be reduced

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