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Where leases at rack rent have been made, after the establishment of any composition in pursuance of the recited Act, the rents shall be reduced in proportion to the difference between such composition and the rent-charge payable under this Act.

12. ... In case of any lease made at a rack rent, at any time after the
establishment of a composition for tithes in any parish, of lands subject to
the payment of such composition, the rent reserved upon and made payable in
and by any such lease shall be reduced by a sum equal to the difference
between the amount of the composition heretofore payable in respect of such
lands and the amount of the rent-charge which will, under the provisions of
this Act, become payable in lieu thereof; and the party from time to time
liable to the payment of such rent shall be entitled to deduct the amount of
such difference accordingly: Provided always, that, subject to such reduction,
such rent shall remain payable, and the lessor, his heirs, executors,
administrators, and assigns, shall have the like remedies for the recovery
thereof, as if the said tithe compositions were not by this Act determined.

Ss.1315 rep. by SLR 1874 (No. 2)

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