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Northern Irish Legislation

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Inspection of drains, privies, and cesspools.

45. The surveyor of the commissioners may inspect any drain, privy, ashpit, or
cesspool within the limits of the special Act, and for that purpose, at all
reasonable times in the daytime, after twenty-four hours' notice in writing to
the occupier of the premises to which such drain, privy, ashpit, or cesspool
is attached, may enter upon any lands and buildings, with such assistants and
workmen as are necessary, and cause the ground to be opened where he thinks
fit, doing as little damage as may be; and if such drain, privy, ashpit, or
cesspool be found to be in proper order and condition, he shall cause the
ground to be closed and made good as soon as may be; and the expences of
opening, closing, and making good such drain, privy, ashpit, or cesspool shall
in that case be defrayed by the commissioners.

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