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Northern Irish Legislation

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Correction of errors and omissions in schedule to special Act.

20. If any omission, mis-statement, or wrong description shall have been made
of any lands, or of the owners, lessees, or occupiers of any lands, mentioned
in any schedule to the special Act, the commissioners, after giving ten days'
notice to the owners, lessees, and occupiers of the lands affected by such
proposed correction, may apply to two justices for the correction thereof; and
if it appear to such justices that such omission, mis-statement, or wrong
description arose from mistake, they shall certify the same accordingly, and
they shall in such certificate state the particulars of any such omission,
mis-statement, or wrong description; and such certificate, with the other
documents to which it relates, shall be deposited with the [chief clerk for
the county court division] in which the lands affected thereby are situated,
and such certificate shall be kept by such [chief clerk] with the other
documents to which it relates, and thereupon such schedule shall be deemed to
be corrected according to such certificate; and the commissioners may take any
lands in accordance with such certificate, as if such omission, mis-statement,
or wrong description had not been made.

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