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Northern Irish Legislation

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Burden of proof.

152. Where any such expences payable to the commissioners by any owner of any
such building or lands amount to more than half the amount of the net annual
value of such building or lands, the commissioners may, if they think fit, at
the request of any such owner, allow time for the repayment of such expences,
and receive the same by such instalments as they, under the circumstances of
the case, consider reasonable, but so that the same be repaid by annual
instalments of not less than one seventh part of the whole sum originally due,
with interest for the principal money from time to time remaining unpaid after
the yearly rate of five pounds in the hundred during the period of
forbearance; but all such sums remaining due, notwithstanding
the commissioners have agreed to allow any time for the repayment thereof as
aforesaid, shall from time to time, at the expiration of the several times so
allowed for repayment thereof, be recoverable in like manner as such
respective amounts would have been recoverable if no such time had been
allowed for repayment thereof.

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