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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TRADE DISPUTES AND TRADE UNIONS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1927

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Furnishing of returns, etc.

8.(1) Any trade union carrying on business in Northern Ireland and being a
trade union registered in Great Britain under the Trade Union Acts, 1871 to
1927, (or being unregistered but required by those Acts to furnish returns in
Great Britain under section sixteen of the Trade Union Act, 1871) shall,
before the first day of June in every year, transmit to the Registrar of
Friendly Societies

(a)a copy, certified in such manner as the said Registrar may require, of the
general statement and other documents transmitted in that year, in pursuance
of the said section sixteen, to, and recorded by, the officer acting as
registrar for the purposes of the said section in its application to Great
Britain; and

(b)a statement setting forth, in relation to the business carried on by the
trade union in Northern Ireland, such particulars of the receipts and
expenditure of the trade union, and other information, as the Registrar of
Friendly Societies may require.

(2) Section sixteen of the Trade Union Act, 1871, shall apply to every trade
union carrying on business in Northern Ireland but having its principal office
outside the United Kingdom, so as to require such trade union to transmit to
the Registrar of Friendly Societies, in relation to the business carried on in
Northern Ireland, such particulars of the receipts and expenditure of the
trade union, and other information, as the Registrar of Friendly Societies may
require; and until compliance has been effected on behalf of such trade union
with all requirements of the Trade Union Acts, 1871 to 1917, or this Act which
are applicable to such trade union, it shall not be entitled in Northern
Ireland to any of the privileges of those Acts.

(3) Every trade union (not being a trade union registered in Northern Ireland)
carrying on business in Northern Ireland shall furnish to the Registrar of
Friendly Societies before the first day of June in every year the names and
addresses of some one or more persons resident in Northern Ireland authorised
to accept, on behalf of the trade union, service of process and any notices
required to be served on the trade union.

Any process or notice required to be served on such trade union shall be
sufficiently served if addressed to any person whose name has been so
furnished as aforesaid, and left at or sent by post to the address which has
been so furnished.

(4) Section fifteen of the Trade Union Act Amendment Act, 1876, shall apply in
the case of any failure to transmit or furnish to the Registrar of Friendly
Societies any statement or other information required to be transmitted or
furnished to him by or under this section.

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