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Obtaining of information etc. by inspectors.

38.(1) Where an inspector appointed under this Part has reasonable cause to
believe that a motor vehicle is used for the carriage of passengers or goods
for reward

(a)the owner or driver of the vehicle;

(b)any person who has made, is making or intends to make, use of that vehicle
for the carriage of passengers or goods for reward;

(c)any servant or agent of any person of the kind referred to in paragraphs
(a) and (b);

(i)the number of passengers or the description of the goods and the name and
address of the owner of the goods;

(ii)the places from which and to which the passengers or goods have been, are
being, or are to be, carried;

(iii)the reward for the carriage of the passengers or goods.

(2) The owner or occupier of any premises entered by an inspector under
section 37, or any servant or agent of any such person, or any person found on
any such premises, shall give to the inspector such information as it is in
his power to give as to

(a)the name and address of the owner of any motor vehicle used for the
carriage of passengers or goods for reward which is kept in or on those
premises, or of the person whose servant or agent the driver of any such
vehicle is;

(b)the matters referred to in subsection (1)(i), (ii) and (iii), in relation
to any passengers or goods which have been, are being, or are to be, carried
on any such vehicle kept in or on those premises;

(c)any use of those premises in connection with carriage of passengers or
goods by road for reward.

(3) An inspector may take copies of any documents

(a)produced to him under this section; or

(b)relating to the carriage of passengers or goods by road, being documents
which are found by him on any vehicle or premises entered under section 37,

Power to seize certain articles.

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