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Transfer of licences.

33.(1) Subject to subsection (2), a licence granted under Part II or Part III
shall not be transferable by the holder of the licence or by operation of law
to any other person.

(2) The Ministry may by regulations provide for the holding of a licence
granted under Part II or Part III by a person other than the person to whom
the licence was granted where

(a)the person to whom the licence was granted dies or becomes incapacitated,
or is adjudicated bankrupt or makes any composition or arrangement with his

(b)an order has been made by a court, or a resolution has been passed for the
winding up of the undertaking of the person to whom the licence was granted,
except for the purpose of reconstruction;

(c)a receiver or liquidator of the undertaking of the person to whom the
licence was granted has been appointed; or

(d)the person to whom the licence was granted is a government department
(including a department of the Government of the United Kingdom) or a body
established by or under any statutory provision and the functions of that
department or body are transferred by or under a statutory provision to any
other person; [or

(e)in the case of a road service licence or operator's licence, the licence
has been revoked under section 10(3A) or 29(2B), as the case may be, as from
some future date.]

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