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Functions of the Transport Users' Committee.

3.(1) It shall be the duty of the Committee

(a)to exercise the functions conferred on them by this Act; and

(b)to consider and, where it appears to them to be desirable, to make
recommendations with respect to any matter affecting road or railway passenger
transport services and facilities in Northern Ireland [and services and
facilities provided for passengers at aerodromes in Northern Ireland] where
the matter

(i)has been referred to the Committee by any body or person or group of
persons representing in the opinion of the Committee a substantial number of
the users of such services or facilities or of persons who might, if those
services or facilities were improved, be expected to use them;

(ii)has been referred to the Committee by the Ministry;

<(iii)appears to the Committee to be a matter to which consideration ought to be given.

(2) The Committee shall prepare and transmit annually to the Minister a report
setting out what has been done in the discharge of their functions under
this Act during the preceding financial year.

Grant of road service licences.

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