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Special provisions as to farmers and milk hauliers.

25.(1) In this section

"farmer" means a person engaged to a substantial extent in carrying on or
directing agricultural operations on any land;

"milk haulier" means a person who uses a motor vehicle solely for the
collection or delivery of liquid milk (including whole milk, cream, skim milk
or buttermilk) not contained in sealed airtight containers.

(2) Where a motor vehicle kept by a farmer primarily for the purpose of the
agricultural operations in which he is engaged is used by that farmer to carry
goods for reward only

(a)for other farmers who reside within three miles of the residence of the
farmer who keeps that vehicle; and

(b)for the purposes of the business of agriculture in which those other
farmers are engaged;

(3) Where a farmer holds a road freight operator's licence, section 44 shall
not apply in relation to the wages and conditions of employment of any person
employed by that farmer while that person is employed in connection with the
use to carry goods for reward, in the manner referred to in subsection (2), of
a motor vehicle kept by that farmer primarily for the purpose of the
agricultural operations in which he is engaged.

(4) Where a motor vehicle is used by a milk haulier only while he is acting as
a milk haulier, the fee payable in respect of the grant of a vehicle licence
for that vehicle shall be [#2] or such amount as may be prescribed with the
approval of the Ministry of Finance by regulations made by the Ministry
subject to affirmative resolution.

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