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Duration of vehicle licences.

22.(1) Subject to the provisions of this section and of section 29, a vehicle
licence shall remain in force for a period of twelve months beginning on the
first day of the month in which the licence is granted.

(2) With a view to enabling motor vehicles to be used to carry goods for
reward temporarily for

(a)the purposes of a seasonal business;

(b)the purpose of the execution of a particular piece of work;

(c)any other purposes of limited duration (including the purpose referred to
in section 33(2));

(3) Subject to section 33, a vehicle licence shall be revoked when the
motor vehicle in respect of which the licence was granted ceases

(a)to belong to the holder of the licence, or

(b)to be in the possession of the holder of the licence under an agreement for
hire, hire-purchase, credit-sale or loan.

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