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Procedure of the Transport Users' Committee.

2.(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the Committee may regulate
their own quorum and procedure.

(2) The Committee shall meet when convened by the chairman but not less
frequently than four times a year, and, without prejudice to the discretion of
the chairman to call a meeting whenever he thinks fit, he shall call a meeting
when required to do so by any three members of the Committee, and minutes
shall be kept of the proceedings at every meeting.

(3) The secretary to the Committee shall, as soon as practicable after any
minutes, conclusions and recommendations of the Committee have been confirmed
by the Committee,

(a)send copies thereof to the Minister;

(b)where so directed by the Committee, send to each road or railway transport
undertaking copies of such extracts of those minutes, conclusions and
recommendations as appear to the Committee to be of interest to that

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