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17.(1) The Ministry may, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of
this Part and Part IV, grant road freight vehicle licences (in this Act
referred to as "vehicle licences") for the use of motor vehicles to carry
goods by road for reward to

(a)persons who hold operator licences, in respect of motor vehicles to be used
while they are acting as road freight operators;

(b)farmers within the meaning of section 25(1), in respect of motor vehicles
kept by them primarily for the purpose of the agricultural operations in which
they are engaged and to be used to carry goods for reward only in the manner
referred to in section 25(2); or

(c)milk hauliers within the meaning of section 25(1), in respect of
motor vehicles to be used only while they are acting as milk hauliers.

(2) Subject to regulations made under section 45, no person shall use a
motor vehicle on a road to carry goods for reward except under and in
accordance with the terms of a licence granted under subsection (1) in respect
of that vehicle and in force at the time of carrying such goods.

(3) Any person who acts in contravention of subsection (2) shall be guilty of
an offence and be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding

(a)one hundred pounds for a first offence;

(b)two hundred pounds for a second offence; and

(c)five hundred pounds for a third or subsequent offence.

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