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Supplemental provisions as to appointment of trustees.

36.(1) On the appointment of a trustee for the whole or any part of trust

(a)the number of trustees may be increased; and

(b)a separate set of trustees may be appointed for any part of the trust
property held on trusts distinct from those relating to any other part or
parts of the trust property, notwithstanding that no new trustees or trustee
are or is to be appointed for other parts of the trust property, and any
existing trustee may be appointed or remain one of such separate set of
trustees, or, if only one trustee was originally appointed, then, save as
hereinafter provided, one separate trustee may be so appointed; and

(c)it shall not be obligatory, save as hereinafter provided, to appoint more
than one new trustee where only one trustee was originally appointed, or to
fill up the original number of trustees where more than two trustees were
originally appointed, but, except where only one trustee was originally
appointed, and a sole trustee when appointed will be able to give valid
receipts for all capital money, a trustee shall not be discharged from his
trust unless there will be either a trust corporation or at least two
individuals to act as trustees to perform the trust; and

(d)any assurance or thing requisite for vesting the trust property, or any
part thereof, in a sole trustee, or jointly in the persons who are the
trustees, shall be executed or done.

(2) Nothing in this Act shall authorise the appointment of a sole trustee, not
being a trust corporation, where the trustee, when appointed, would not be
able to give valid receipts for all capital money arising under the trust.

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