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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TRUSTEE ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1958

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1.(1) A trustee may, unless and until Parliament otherwise provides, invest
trust funds in the manner in, and subject to the conditions upon, which a
trustee in any part of Great Britain is [under the Trustee Investments Act
1961, entitled to invest trust funds] so, however, that a trustee shall not
invest in bearer securities otherwise than in accordance with section seven.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of sub-section (1), a trustee may
invest any trust funds in the purchase... of

(a) any estate held in fee simple in land in the United Kingdom (including
lands held in fee farm or, in Scotland, in feu); or

Para.(b) rep. by 1962 c.10 (NI) s.8(2)

(c) any leasehold estate or interest in the United Kingdom held for an
unexpired term of not less than eight hundred years, and not subject to a
reservation of rent greater than one-third of the net annual value thereof, or
to any right of redemption or to any condition of re-entry except for
non-payment of rent; or

Paras.(d)(e) rep. by 1962 c.10 (NI) s.8(2)

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