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2.(1) Nothing in this Act shall take away or prejudicially affect the right or
title of any railway company or canal company to any payment, privilege, or
other consideration which the [Post Office] would have been liable to make or
give if this Act had not passed, in respect of wayleave for telegraphs or in
respect of the occupation of the railways or canals of the company by the
[Post Office] for telegraphic purposes. But, notwithstanding anything
contained in any Act, agreement, or award, the [Post Office] shall be under no
liability to make any payment to any railway company or canal company in
respect of any right or claim of the railway company or canal company to
construct or maintain any telegraphic line which the [Post Office] is
authorised by this Act to construct or maintain, or in respect of the waiver
of any such right or claim of the railway company or canal company.

(2) The powers conferred by this Act shall be in addition to and shall not
derogate from any powers conferred upon the [Post Office] by the Telegraph
Acts, 1863 to 1909.

S.3 rep. by 1949 c.11 s.8 sch.

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