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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> TRUCK ACT 1896

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1.(1) An employer shall not make any contract with any workman for any
deduction from the sum contracted to be paid by the employer to the workman,
or for any payment to the employer by the workman, for or in respect of any
fine, unless

(a)the terms of the contract are contained in a notice kept constantly affixed
at such place or places open to the workmen and in such a position that it may
be easily seen, read, and copied by any person whom it affects; or the
contract is in writing, signed by the workman; and

(b)the contract specified the acts or omissions in respect of which the fine
may be imposed, and the amount of the fine or the particulars from which that
amount may be ascertained; and

(c)the fine imposed under the contract is in respect of some act or omission
which causes or is likely to cause damage or loss to the employer, or
interruption or hindrance to his business; and

(d)the amount of the fine is fair and reasonable having regard to all the
circumstances of the case.

(2) An employer shall not make any such deduction or receive any such payment,

(a)the deduction or payment is made in pursuance of, or in accordance with,
such a contract as aforesaid; and

(b)particulars in writing showing the acts or omissions in respect of which
the fine is imposed and the amount thereof are supplied to the workman on each
occasion when a deduction or payment is made.

(3) This section shall apply to the case of a shop assistant in like manner as
it applies to the case of a workman.

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