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Northern Irish Legislation

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Punishment of officials for disclosing or intercepting messages.

20. Any person having official duties connected with the Post Office, or
acting on behalf of the [Post Office], who shall, contrary to his duty,
disclose or in any way make known or intercept the contents or any part of the
contents of any telegraphic messages or any message intrusted to the [Post
Office] for the purpose of transmission, shall in... Ireland be guilty of a
misdemeanor,... and shall upon conviction be subject to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding twelve calendar months;....

Ss.2123 rep. by 1969 c.48 ss.137, 141 sch.8 Pt.I, sch.11 Pt.II. S.24 rep. by
SLR 1875The Schedule sets out the names of the other party to each of 13
Agreements entered into by HM Postmaster General in July 1868

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