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Persons accused of high treason entitled to benefit of 1695 c.3, except in cases herein mentioned.

4. Provided, that all and every person and persons, that shall at any time be
accused, or indicted or prosecuted for any offence made or declared to be high
treason by this Act, shall be entitled to the benefit of the
Treason Act, 1695,... save and except in cases of high treason in compassing
or imagining the death of any heir or successor of His Majesty, and of
misprison of such treason, where the overt act or overt acts of such treason
which shall be alleged in the indictment for such offence shall be
assassination or killing of any heir or successor of His Majesty, or any
direct attempt against the life of any heir or successor of His Majesty, or
any direct attempt against the person of any heir or successor of His Majesty,
whereby the life of such heir or successor may be endangered, or the person of
such heir or successor, may suffer bodily harm.

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