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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> STREET TRADING (REGULATION) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1929

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Penalties and legal proceedings.

9.(1) Every person who, or whose assistant, after the first day of January,
nineteen hundred and thirty, without a licence under this Act authorising him
so to do, or contrary to any condition of such licence, sells or exposes or
offers for sale any article or thing from or upon any vehicle, barrow, cart,
stall or other receptacle occupying a stationary position at a place in the
carriageway or footway of any street in the district, or obtains a licence or
the renewal of a licence by wilful misrepresentation, shall be liable on
summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding five pounds, and to a penalty
not exceeding [#2] for each day on which such offence is continued after
conviction therefor:

Provided that a person who has appealed to a court of summary jurisdiction
(except against a refusal to grant a new licence) in accordance with the
provisions of this Act shall not be liable to any proceedings under this
section for the offence of selling or exposing or offering for sale, in the
street or streets or area specified in the licence or application which is the
subject of the appeal, any article or thing as aforesaid without a licence,
until such appeal has been heard and determined, or has been abandoned.

(2) Offences under this Act, or under any bye-law made under the powers of
this Act, may be prosecuted, and penalties, costs and expenses recovered, in
like manner and subject to the same provisions as offences which may be
prosecuted, and penalties, costs and expenses which may be recovered, in a
summary manner under the Public Health (Ireland) Acts, 1878 to 1918.

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