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Northern Irish Legislation

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Penalty for insuring slaves or slave adventures.

8. If any person shall knowingly and wilfully insure or contract for the
insuring of any slaves, or any property or other subject matter engaged or
employed, or intended to be engaged or employed in accomplishing any of the
objects, or the contracts in relation to the objects, which objects and
contracts have herein-before been declared unlawful, then and in every such
case the person so offending, ..., shall forfeit and pay for every such
offence the sum of one hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain for
every such insurance or contract for the same, and also treble the amount of
the premium of any such insurance or contract for the same, the one moiety
thereof to the use of His Majesty, and the other moiety to the use of any
person who shall inform, sue, and prosecute for the same, and every such
insurance shall be absolutely null and void.

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