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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> SLAVE TRADE ACT 1824

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Penalty for shipping goods, &c. to be employed in the slave trade.

7. If any person shall knowingly and wilfully ship, tranship, lade, receive,
or put on board, or contract for the shipping, transhipping, lading,
receiving, or putting on board of any ship, vessel, or boat, any money, goods,
or effects to be employed in accomplishing any of the objects, or the
contracts in relation to the objects, which objects and contracts have
herein-before been declared unlawful, then and in every such case the persons
so offending, ..., shall forfeit and pay for every such offence double the
value of all the money, goods, and effects so shipped, transhipped, laden,
received, or put on board, or contracted so to be as aforesaid, to be
recovered and applied as is herein-after mentioned and provided.

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