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Northern Irish Legislation

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Penalty on persons advertising such houses, or the names of brokers or agents.

6. And if any person or persons shall advertise or publish or cause or procure
to be advertised, or in any manner published any house, room, office, or place
to have been or to be opened, set up, or kept for any of the purposes
aforesaid, or advertise or publish or cause or procure to be advertised or
published the name or names of any person or persons as broker or brokers,
agent or agents, solicitor or solicitors for any of the purposes aforesaid, or
print or cause or procure or permit or suffer to be printed or advertised any
advertisement or advertisements, proposal or proposals for any of the purposes
aforesaid, then and in such case such person or persons shall forfeit for
every such offence the sum of fifty pounds ....

Ss.7, 8 rep. by SLR 1872 (No. 2)

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