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Northern Irish Legislation

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Persons buying or selling offices, or receiving or paying money or rewards for offices, guilty of a misdemeanor.

3. And from and after the passing of this Act, if any person or persons shall
sell or bargain for the sale of, or receive, have, or take any money, fee,
gratuity, loan of money, reward, or profit, directly or indirectly, or any
promise, agreement, covenant, contract, bond, or assurance, or shall by any
way, device, or means contract or agree to receive or have any money, fee,
gratuity, loan of money, reward or profit, directly or indirectly, and also if
any person or persons shall purchase or bargain for the purchase of, or give
or pay any money, fee, gratuity, loan of money, reward or profit, or make or
enter into any promise, agreement, covenant, contract, bond, or assurance to
give or pay any money, fee, gratuity, loan of money, reward or profit, or
shall by any way, means, or device contract or agree to give or pay any money,
fee, gratuity, loan of money, reward or profit, directly or indirectly, for
any office, commission, place or employment specified or described in the said
recited Act or this Act, or within the true intent or meaning of the said Act
or this Act, or for any deputation thereto, or for any part, parcel, or
participation of the profits thereof, or for any appointment or nomination
thereto or resignation thereof, or for the consent or consents, or voice or
voices of any person or persons to any such appointment, nomination, or
resignation, then and in every such case every such person, and also every
person who shall wilfully and knowingly aid, abet, or assist such person
therein, shall be deemed and adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor.

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