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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> SALE OF OFFICES ACT 1809

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Act not to extend to annual payments out of the fees of any office to any former holder;

11. Provided also, that nothing in the said Act or in this Act contained shall
extend to any annual reservation, charge, or payment made or required to be
made out of the fees, perquisites, or profits of any office to any person who
shall have held such office, in any commission or appointment of any person
succeeding to such office, or to any agreement, contract, bond, or other
assurance made for securing such reservation, charge or payment: Provided
always, that the amount of such reservation, charge, or payment, and the
circumstances and reasons under which the same shall have been permitted shall
be stated in the commission, patent, warrant, or instrument of appointment of
the person so succeeding to and holding such office and paying or securing
such money as aforesaid.

S.12 rep. by SLR 1872 (No. 2). S.15 rep. by SLR 1872 (No. 2)

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