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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> SALE OF OFFICES ACT 1809

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Provisions of recited Act extended to other offices.

1.] From and after the passing of this Act, the said Act and all the
provisions therein contained shall extend and be construed to extend to ...
Ireland, and to all offices in the gift of the crown or of any office
appointed by the crown, and all commissions civil, naval, or military, and to
all places and employments, and to all deputations to any such offices,
commissions, places, or employments, in the respective departments or offices
or under the appointment or superintendance and controul of the lord high
treasurer or commissioners of the Treasury, the secretary of state, ... and
also the principal officers of any other public department or office of His
Majesty's government in any part of the United Kingdom, or in any of His
Majesty's dominions, colonies, or plantations which now belong or may
hereafter belong to His Majesty, ..., in as full and ample a manner as if the
provisions of the said Act were repeated as to all such offices, commissions,
places, and employments, and made part of this Act; and the said Act and
this Act and all the clauses and provisions therein respectively contained
shall be construed as one Act, as if the same had been herein repeated and

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