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Notice under 1882 c.38 s.45 may be general.

5.(1) The notice required by section forty-five of the Act of 1882 of
intention to make a sale, exchange, partition, or lease may be notice of a
general intention in that behalf.

(2) The tenant for life is, upon request by a trustee of the settlement, to
furnish to him such particulars and information as may reasonably be required
by him from time to time with reference to sales, exchanges, partitions, or
leases effected, or in progress, or immediately intended.

(3) Any trustee, by writing under his hand, may waive notice either in any
particular case, or generally, and may accept less than one month's notice.

(4) This section applies to a notice given before, as well as to a notice
given after, the passing of this Act.

(5) Provided that a notice, to the sufficiency of which objection has been
taken before the passing of this Act, is not made sufficient by virtue of
this Act.

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