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Northern Irish Legislation

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Report of master and order of court thereon.

3. In proceeding under such order of reference the said master shall cause
such notice thereof to be given by advertisement or otherwise as he shall
think fit or the [High Court] shall by any general or other order direct, and
shall hear all parties interested in the subject matter of such reference who
may appear before him, and shall report on the matters so to him referred, and
such report shall be filed according to the practice of the said court, and
thereupon it shall be lawful for the said court, without requiring the
attendance of any counsel or solicitor, upon the petition of the party
obtaining the same, to confirm the said report absolutely, or make such
alteration therin as shall be fit, and to make an order authorizing or
permitting such permanent improvements to be made, and the expences of making
the same, together with the expences of obtaining the authority of the said
court, to be accordingly advanced out of such monies respectively aforesaid,
and which order shall be registered in the office of the registrar of
judgments, in like manner and on payment of like fees as those upon which any
decree or order may be registered, and thereupon it shall be lawful for such
trustees or guardians, or other person or persons, to whom such monies or
funds as aforesaid shall have been paid, or in whose care, custody, or
possession the same shall be and remain for the time being, in the several
cases respectively aforesaid, to advance and lay out such monies accordingly.

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