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Northern Irish Legislation

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Trustees, &c. of settled estates may petition the High Court for permission to lay out monies arising from sale or exchange of settled lands, in the improvement of lands already settled.

1.] It shall be lawful for any such trustee or trustees, (with the consent of
any person or persons beneficially interested, in possession, if of full age,)
or guardian or guardians, and for the committee or committees of any persons
of unsound mind, and they are hereby authorized, to apply to the [High Court
of Justice in Northern Ireland], by petition to the Lord High Chancellor,
praying that he or they may be authorized to make any such permanent
improvements of any such lands or hereditaments in Ireland respectively as
aforesaid, by laying out and expending thereon any sum or sums proposed by
such petition, in such manner as therein may be mentioned and described, and
in such petition to pray that the expences of making any such permanent
improvements may be defrayed by advances out of any such monies or funds in
the hands or to the account of such trustees or guardians or others as

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