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Northern Irish Legislation

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Justices may decide cases under this Act on evidence of witnesses or confession, &c.

1. It shall be lawful for any justice or justices sitting in petty sessions,
(or for any two justices sitting out of petty sessions, when the offender
shall be unable to procure bail for his appearance at petty sesions,) within
his or their respective jurisdictions, to hear and determine, either on the
oath of one or more credible witnesses, or on the confession of the person
against whom the complaint shall be made, all complaints relating to any
offences, claims, or other matters under the provisions of this Act, and to
order such fine, imprisonment, compensation, expenses, and sums, or to make
such other order relating to each offence or other matter as such person shall
be liable to under the said provisions; and all proceedings as to compelling
the appearance of any such person or of any witness, and as to the hearing and
determination of such complaints, and as to the making and executing of such
orders, shall be subject in all respects to the provisions of the
Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act, 1851, (when the case shall be heard in any petty
sessions district,) ... so far as the said provisions shall be consistent with
any special provisions of this Act.

Ss.25 rep. by 1861 c.95 s.1 sch. S.6 rep. by SLR (NI) 1954; 1968 c.34 (NI)
s.181(3) sch.8. S.7 rep. by 1968 c.28 (NI) s.16 sch.4

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