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Northern Irish Legislation

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71.(1) Subject to paragraph (2), any court in which a solicitor has been
employed to prosecute or defend any suit, matter or proceeding may at any time
declare the solicitor entitled to a charge on the property recovered or
preserved through his instrumentality for his taxed costs in reference to that
suit, matter or proceeding, and may make such orders for the taxation of those
costs and for raising money to pay, or for paying, those costs out of that
property as the court thinks fit, and all conveyances and acts done to defeat,
or operating to defeat, that charge shall, except in the case of a conveyance
to a bona fide purchaser for value without notice, be void as against the

(2) No order shall be made under paragraph (1) if the right to recover the
costs is barred by any statute of limitations.

Para.(3) amends s.23 of 1937 c.8 (NI)

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