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Northern Irish Legislation

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60. The following provisions shall have effect in relation to subvention

(a)the Society shall not make a grant to a solicitor in respect of any act or
default of his partner unless the Council are satisfied that the partner
(unless he is dead or it is impracticable to give notice to him) has been
given sufficient notice of the substance of the application and has not given,
either to the applicant or to the Society, such explanation as satisfies the
Council that no grant should be made;

(b)a grant may (if the Council think fit) take the form of a loan upon such
terms and conditions (including conditions as to the time and manner of
repayment, as to the payment of interest and as to security for repayment) as
the Council may determine;

(c)in relation to a grant made by way of loan, the Society may, upon such
terms or conditions (if any) as the Council may think fit, at any time or
times waive or refrain from enforcing the repayment of the whole or any part
of the loan or any instalment of the loan or the payment of any interest or
any of the other terms or conditions upon which the loan was granted;

(d)a grant may be made to a solicitor whether or not he had a practising
certificate in force at the date of any relevant act or default;

(e)where a grant has been made otherwise than by way of loan, the provisions
of sub-paragraphs (c) and (d) of paragraph (1), and paragraph (2), of Article
58 shall apply in relation to such grant as they apply in relation to grants
under Article 56 or 57;

(f)where a grant has been made by way of loan and thereafter

(i)the repayment of any amount (being either the whole or some part of the
loan) has been waived; or

(ii)the borrower fails to repay any amount (being either the whole or some
part of the loan) the repayment of which has not been waived;

(f)then to the extent of any such amount the provisions of sub-paragraphs (c)
and (d) of paragraph (1), and paragraph (2), of Article 58 shall apply to such
grant as they apply in relation to grants under Article 56 or 57.

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