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Northern Irish Legislation

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54.(1) A copy of every order made by a judge of the High Court under Article
53 or by the Disciplinary Committee shall be filed with the secretary of the
Society, and the Society shall be entitled to publish any such order wholly or
partly, or a synopsis thereof, in any publication of the Society and by
sending a copy of any such order or any part or synopsis thereof to every
solicitor in Northern Ireland, or otherwise to publish the order in any other
manner approved of by the Society.

(2) The making of any order or the publishing under this Article of any order
(whether wholly or partly) or of any synopsis thereof shall be deemed to be
absolutely privileged.

(3) Any document purporting to be certified by the registrar as a copy of an
order made by the Disciplinary Committee or of an entry made pursuant to
Article 52 shall in any proceedings be received as evidence of the existence
and content of that order or entry as the case may be.

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