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51.(1) Where the Disciplinary Committee hold an inquiry, they may make an
order providing for one or more than one of the following

(a)the dismissal of the application or complaint;

(b)the admonishing of the solicitor and, if they think fit, the imposing on
him of a fine not exceeding #500 to be paid to and applied for the purposes of
the Society;

(c)the restricting of the solicitor from practising on his own account,
whether in partnership or otherwise, until authorised by the Disciplinary
Committee to do so;

(d)the suspension of the solicitor from practice;

(e)the removal from, or striking off, the roll of the name of the solicitor;

(f)the payment by any party to the inquiry of costs of any other party to be
measured by the Disciplinary Committee, or of a stated sum as a contribution
towards such costs;

(g)the payment by any party to the inquiry of a sum to be measured by the
Disciplinary Committee for the costs incurred by the Committee, or of a stated
sum as a contribution towards such costs;

(h)the making by any party of such restitution or satisfaction to any
aggrieved party as the Disciplinary Committee think fit.

(2) An order made by the Disciplinary Committee under paragraph (1)(g) for the
payment by any party of the costs of the Disciplinary Committee or of a sum
towards those costs shall direct such payment to be made by that party to the
Society; and any money so paid shall be appropriated by the Society towards
the defrayal of the costs referred to in Article 43(8).

(3) The Disciplinary Committee may postpone the making of an order under this

(4) Where the making of an order under this Article is postponed under
paragraph (3), the Disciplinary Committee may, on request made to them in that
behalf when the matter is considered after such postponement, allow the
application or complaint to be withdrawn without any order being made.

(5) The Disciplinary Committee may, on the application of the solicitor to
whom an order under this Article relates, or of any other party, suspend in
whole or in part the operation of the order pending an appeal under Article

(6) Where an order under this Article is suspended

(a)nothing in Article 52(1), (2) or (3) shall apply to the filing, enforcement
or lodgment of copies of, or to the publications of, that order while it
remains suspended; and

(b)neither Article 15(1) nor Article 54(1) shall have effect in relation to
that order while it remains suspended.

(7) Any person who practises as a solicitor on his own account, whether in
partnership or otherwise, in contravention of

(a)any regulation for the time being in force under Article 26(2)(a); or

(b)any order made by the Disciplinary Committee under Article 46(1) or by the
Lord Chief Justice under Article 46(2); or

(c)any order made by the Disciplinary Committee under Article 51(1)(c);

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