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Northern Irish Legislation

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48.(1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) with respect to the exercise
of certain of the powers conferred by this paragraph, the Disciplinary
Committee shall, on an inquiry being held by them, have the like powers,
rights and privileges as are vested in the High Court in respect of

(a)the summoning of witnesses and their examination on oath;

(b)the requiring of the production of documents; and

(c)the issuing, subject to rules of court, of a commission or request to
examine witnesses out of Northern Ireland;

(2) Where any person

(a)on being duly summoned as a witness before the Disciplinary Committee makes
default in attending;

(b)being in attendance as a witness before the Disciplinary Committee refuses
to take an oath lawfully required by the Disciplinary Committee to be taken,
or to produce any document in his power or control lawfully required by the
Disciplinary Committee to be produced by him, or to answer any question to
which the Disciplinary Committee may lawfully require an answer; or

(c)does any other act which, if the Disciplinary Committee were a court of law
having power to commit for contempt, would be contempt of court;

(3) A witness at an inquiry held by the Disciplinary Committee shall be
entitled to the same immunities and privileges as if he were a witness before
the High Court.

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