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Northern Irish Legislation

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46.(1) The name of a solicitor whose name has been removed from or struck off
the roll shall not be replaced on the roll unless an application is first made
under Article 44(1)(b) to the Disciplinary Committee for an order recommending
such replacement and on such application the Disciplinary Committee shall
inform the Society thereof and shall take into consideration any
representations which may be made to them by the Society respecting the
application, and shall by order either refuse the application or recommend
such replacement.

(2) The Lord Chief Justice may, on an application made to him in chambers upon
notice to the Society and after taking into consideration any order made by
the Disciplinary Committee under paragraph (1) and any representations made to
him by the Society, order the registrar to replace on the roll the name of a
solicitor whose name has been removed from or struck off the roll.

(3) An order made by the Disciplinary Committee under paragraph (1) or by the
Lord Chief Justice under paragraph (2) for the replacement on the roll of the
name of a solicitor may impose the condition that the solicitor shall not
practise as a solicitor on his own account, whether in partnership or
otherwise, until authorised by the Disciplinary Committee to do so.

(4) If a former solicitor whose name has been removed from the roll on an
application made by him under Article 44(1)(a) makes application to the
Society for the restoration of his name on the roll the Society may restore it
to the roll on payment by him to the Society of such fee not exceeding #15 as
the Council may determine.

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