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44.(1) The following applications and complaints shall be made to and heard by
the Disciplinary Committee

(a)an application by a solicitor to procure the removal of his name from the

(b)an application for an order recommending the replacement on the roll of a
name which has been struck off the roll;

(c)a complaint by the Society or any other person

(i)that a solicitor has been guilty of misconduct, including conduct tending
to bring the solicitors' profession into disrepute; or

(ii)that a solicitor has contravened a provision of this Order or of any
regulation or order made thereunder (including an order made by or on appeal
from the Disciplinary Committee), or any term or condition subject to which
any certificate has been issued, or any consent has been given, to him, or his
suspension has been terminated, by the Lord Chief Justice, the Council or the
Society under any provision of this Order; or

<(iii)that a solicitor has been convicted in Northern Ireland of a criminal offence tending to bring the solicitors' profession into disrepute, or has been convicted outside Northern Ireland of an offence of like character which if committed in Northern Ireland would be a criminal offence;

(d)a complaint requiring a solicitor to answer allegations contained in an
affidavit; or

(e)any other complaint which is authorised to be made to the Committee under
any other provision of this Order or under any other enactment.

(2) An application or complaint under paragraph (1) shall be in writing, shall
be signed by the person making it and shall be sent to the Disciplinary
Committee together with

(a)an affidavit by that person setting forth the facts giving rise to the
application or complaint; and

(b)the documents relied on in support of the application or complaint, or duly
authenticated copies of those documents;

(3) Where a judge of the Supreme Court, a county court judge or a resident
magistrate reports to the Society any case where it appears to him that a
solicitor is prima facie guilty of professional misconduct, the Society shall
make a complaint to the Disciplinary Committee under paragraph (1) with
respect to the solicitor.

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