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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> SEAL FISHERY ACT 1875

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Close time for seal fishery.

2. When an Order in Council has been made for applying this Act, then, so long
as such order remains in force, the master or person in charge of or any
person belonging to any British ship, or any British subject, shall not kill
or capture or attempt to kill or capture any seal within the area mentioned in
the schedule to this Act, or the part of the area specified in the order,
before such day in any year as may be fixed by the order, and the master or
person in charge of a British ship shall not permit such ship to be employed
in such killing or capturing, or permit any person belonging to such ship to
act in breach of this section.

Any person who is guilty of any breach (by any act or default) of this section
shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding five hundred pounds for each

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