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Northern Irish Legislation

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| 64. {7} The court imposing any penalty or enforcing any forfeiture under this Act may, if it think fit, direct the whole or any part thereof to be applied in or towards payment of the expenses of the proceedings; and, subject to such direction, and to any direction given under any express provision in this Act, all penalties and forfeitures recovered under this Act shall be paid into the receipt of Her Majesty's Exchequer in such manner as the Treasury may direct, and shall be carried to the Consolidated Fund.

65. Nothing in this Act shall prevent any person being liable under any other
Act or otherwise to any indictment, proceeding, punishment, or penalty, other
than is provided for any offence by this Act, so that no person be punished
twice for the same offence.S.66 rep. by 1968 c.77 s.22 sch.2 Pt.II. S.69 spent

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