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Court may dispense with notice under certain circumstances.

27. Provided also, that where on an application under this Act the concurrence
or consent of any such person as aforesaid shall not have been obtained, and
in case such person cannot be found, or in case it shall be uncertain whether
he be living or dead, or in case it shall appear to the Court that such notice
as aforesaid cannot be given to such person without expense disproportionate
to the value of the subject-matter of the application, then and in any such
case the Court, if it shall think fit, either on the ground of the rights or
interests of such person being small or remote, or being similar to the rights
or interests of any other person or persons, or on any other ground, may by
order dispense with notice to such person, and such person shall thereupon be
deemed to have submitted his rights and interests to be dealt with by the

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