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Northern Irish Legislation

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Notice to persons not consenting to or concurring in application.

26. Provided always, that where on an application under this Act the
concurrence or consent of any such person as aforesaid shall not have been
obtained, notice shall be given to such person in such manner as the Court to
which the application shall be made shall direct, requiring him to notify
within a time to be specified in such notice whether he assents to or dissents
from such application, or submits his rights or interests so far as they may
be affected by such application to be dealt with by the Court, and every such
notice shall specify to whom and in what manner such notification is to be
delivered or left. In case no notification shall be delivered or left in
accordance with the notice and within the time thereby limited, the person to
or for whom such notice shall have been given or left shall be deemed to have
submitted his rights and interests to be dealt with by the Court.

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