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Northern Irish Legislation

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Consents to applications.

24. Subject to the exceptions herein-after contained, every application to the
Court must be made with the concurrence or consent of the following parties

Where there is a tenant-in-tail under the settlement in existence and of full
age, then the parties to concur or consent shall be such tenant-in-tail, or if
there is more than one such tenant-in-tail, then the first of such
tenants-in-tail and all persons in existence having any beneficial estate or
interest under or by virtue of the settlement prior to the estate of such
tenant-in-tail, and all trustees having any estate or interest on behalf of
any unborn child prior to the estate of such tenant-in-tail;

And in every other case the parties to concur or consent shall be all the
persons in existence having any beneficial estate or interest under or by
virtue of the settlement, and also all trustees having any estate or interest
on behalf of any unborn child.

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